The Cairn
This is the 6th in a series of brief blog articles inspired by Good Earth Tea® quotes.
“He that can have patience can have what he will.”
-Benjamin Franklin 1706 -1790
One of the most common questions we get from new clients is “how long will it take for my site to start to generate leads?”
The worst part about having to answer this question is that it is impossible to give a specific, scientific response to their inquiry. Who knows at what moment your site will start to generate leads?
But the best part about answering their question is the confidence we can reply with by explaining that when you are patient and dedicated, it will happen soon enough, and it will last for as long as you embrace those two qualities.
The silver bullet in online marketing is the consistency with which you participate and create. However it moves more like a lumbering freight train than the argent projectile.
In the meantime, keep hitting publish, pay attention to your traffic statistics, and stay after your target reader. They will find you!
If you can’t make the content happen because you don’t have the time, or interest, or language skills, then you need to seek someone who does. Having strong content on your website is crucial for connecting with your visitor and that is the first step in “generating leads.”
Don’t just hire whomever to help with your website’s content. Hire someone who cares and understands your business. Hire someone that you are willing and able to spend time with to train to write on your behalf. This relationship needs to be healthy and maintained in order for you to get the results you want.
Let us do it!
If this sounds interesting, let’s have a 10 min call to show you how we’re the reason you’re going to be found in Google.
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