Teresa Boardman, in response to comments in her most recent article, has whipped up a tasty treat for all real estate bloggers. Grab a fork, and enjoy.
Food For Fodder – 101 Real Estate Blog Topics
By Teresa Boardman
In my last post on the Tomato I wrote about writing being the biggest obstacle for real estate professionals who want to have a blog.
Some of our readers commented that figuring out what to write about poses the greatest challenge.
It is hard for many to come up with topics so I wrote a list of 101 topic ideas for real estate professionals who want to have a blog to expand their internet presence and to meet the home buyers and sellers who live inside their computer.
Potential clients are in your computer right now and are looking for great agents and lenders to work with. The idea is to build enough rapport so they will stop hiding and give us a call or send an email. Lets face it, consumers believe we all have horns and a tail and we need to put them at ease and establish a little credibility before we can earn their trust and their business.
The best posts come from the every day life of a real estate professional. There is also what I call “the real estate bloggers conundrum”: If we spend too much time writing, we don’t have time to sell real estate, if we don’t sell real estate, we don’t have those experiences to write about. Our day-to-day lives and experiences in the real estate industry are filled with blog food, look for it, find it and start typing.
Here are 101 ideas:
- A story about your neighborhood
- Local business, and send them a copy.
- Your pet
- Go through your email, is there a question or comment from one of your clients that can be made into a post?
- Listen to your buyers, they give you blog food.
- Listen to your sellers, they give you blog food
- Conversations with other agents can be a source of great content
- Architecture or housing styles in your area
- Historic buildings
- Market statistics for your area, including average prices and absorption rates
- Read the blogs and look for ideas to build on or spin a new idea from..
- Take a picture write a post.
- Home maintenance
- Take a walk
- Senior housing
- Pet friendly housing
- Staging ideas
- local events
- Your hobby
- A closing
- A lender who did a great job
- Things that go wrong with real estate sales
- Home owners insurance
- Gardening and landscaping
- Your city council
- A new development
- Lofts
- Decorating ideas
- Real estate industry news – with your own unique commentary
- Mortgages news
- Interest Rates
- Credit scores
- Consumer hoaxes and scams
- First time home buyer programs
- Working with seniors
- Working with Baby Boomers
- Second homes
- Investment properties
- Foreclosure
- Property flipping
- “Rehabbing” a home
- Home energy conservation
- Final walk through
- Equity stripping scams
- Agency
- Real estate companies
- Transportation & Parking
- Schools
- Churches
- Day Care
- Paint and painting
- Pest control
- Good neighbors
- Bad neighbors
- Over priced homes
- The home buying process
- The home selling process
- Book review of a real estate related book.
- Real Estate Laws
- Real estate terms
- Moving with children
- Moving
- Moving with pets
- Places to eat
- Places to shop
- Commentary on local news stories
- Commentary on local public policy
- Tell a story about a client who was fun to work with
- Write about what it is like to be a Realtor
- When taking classes find something you learned that could be used as a post.
- Write off topic humor
- Environmental issues
- Land lord or tenant issues
- How to sell a house
- How not to sell a house
- Building trends
- Parks
- Art
- Home safety
- Review web sites on local or real estate related topics
The trick is to take every day experiences, based on these topics, and weave them into a post.
- Property taxes
- Crime
- Open houses
- Trends in kitchen design
- Area events for children
- The local zoo
- Where to play golf
- Coffee shops
- Women home buyers
- Advice for FSBO’s
- Interview some one
- Local real estate market trends and observations
- Furniture
- Investment scams
- Mortgage fraud
- Types of mortgages
- Home owners associations
- Attend a public meeting and write about it.
- Week end getaways
- Credit repair
- Fair housing issues
They may look kind of dry and boring in this list but the trick is to take every day experiences, based on these topics and weave them into a post. There are times for most of us when we just can’t write but there are some work-arounds. Find a photo and write about it, have a guest write a post or take a break from it for a couple of days.
It also helps to have a system.
I have three days of the week that I have topics for, and four days where I have to find them.
I once wrote an entire post about socks, and not only got by with it but got a great response from it. Those posts help show our human side and make the horns and tail less obvious.
Teresa Boardman is an exceptionally professional Realtor in the St. Paul, Minnesota area.
Her website: www.TBoardman.com
Her blog: www.StPaulRealEstateBLOG.com
Voice: 651-216-4603
Thank you Teresa. As always, it’s a pleasure having you ‘on the Vine’.