I was thrilled to find the following post in my inbox yesterday. It being Thanksgiving today, it makes for an appropriate time to say that I am thankful for Teresa Boardman, and all the other generous guest authors that have contributed to the Real Estate Tomato this year.
2 Years Later…
By Teresa Boardman
My business blog is now two years old. Not the oldest blog out there by any stretch but older than many of them. This is a kind of short re-cap of experiences I have had because of the blog.
- My blog is my business, or my business is my blog.
- My blog is my number one and most valuable business asset, and prospecting tool.
- My marketing costs have gone way down, but I have less free time.
- The amount of time I spend on the keyboard has gone up, and my neck hurts.
- The amount of time I spend reading and learning has gone up.
- The amount of time I spend writing has increased.
- My writing skills have improved.
- My photography skills have improved.
- My listening skills have improved.
- My research skills have improved.
- I have met some famous people.
- My blog has been written up in major newspapers, a local magazine, a local newspaper and I can’t remember where else. (Here too, Teresa)
- My blog, and my name have become known in the real estate industry on a national level.
- I have won some awards.
- I have met hundreds of people through my blog, from all over the world, the country and at home.
- I have made friends.
- My business has a revenue stream generated from blog related activities.
- My public speaking skills have improved.
- My world has become both bigger and smaller.
- My blog is my brand.
- People, including the news media ask me what my opinion is. They still don’t listen, but they ask.
- I am known by more people than I know. At least one is a stalker.
- There are links to my blog from more than 4000 web sites and blogs.
- I belong to 9 social networks.
- My blog gets more visits than my companies local web site, which includes four offices.
- My content gets stolen, and I now spend an average of two hours a week fighting plagiarism.
- I invented the virtual bus bench.
- My blog, and the ideas that go into it are imitated by others.
- I have made some enemies.
- I have been misunderstood and misquoted.
- Businesses offer me money to have links on my blog.
- I am asked to write guest posts.
- I am able to generate business on my own and feel empowered because of it.
- I have more confidence.
- I get fan mail.
I get hate mail.
- I get free software.
- Businesses, and other bloggers send me swag.
- I can now write with my eyes closed.
- I often eat lunch at my desk.
Forty is an unusual number, but you get the picture. I could go to one hundred I am sure, but I can already see the yawns from members of the audience.
Most of the items on my list are unintended consequences, my goal has always been simple and focused. I just want to meet the people who live inside my computer and are looking for help with their next real estate transaction. I want them to come to me, so I don’t have to spend a lot of money to find them.
Blogs have value for both the writer and the reader. They present an opportunity for personal growth, for those willing to invest the time and effort.
Teresa Boardman is an exceptionally professional Realtor in the St. Paul, Minnesota area.
Her website: www.TBoardman.com
Her blog: www.StPaulRealEstateBLOG.com
Voice: 651-216-4603
Thank you Teresa.
As always, it’s a pleasure having you ‘on the Vine’.