Protect your business from lawsuits.
Protect your visitor's privacy.
Here are the most common questions we are asked about Privacy Policy Compliance:
1What is a Privacy Policy?
A Privacy Policy is a statement provided on a website that explains how you collect, use, and disclose personally identifiable information.
2Is the need for a Privacy Policy on my website real?
Very much so. Many states have implemented (or proposed) privacy laws to protect the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) of its citizens. Each state law has unique requirements and unique penalties for failing to comply. Some states propose businesses be fined over $5,000 per infringement (per website visitor). Some states are proposing private right of action (meaning citizens of that state can sue businesses anywhere in the US). Contact us for more information, or updates to the laws.
3Can't I just use a boiler plate Privacy Policy, or Privacy Policy generator?
Unless your boiler plate (or generated privacy policy) was created by actual privacy attorneys and these attorneys are able to constantly update your policies, then they will become outdated the moment the next relevant privacy law goes into effect.
With Termageddon, you have a privacy team monitor privacy laws and push updates to your policies when new laws go into effect or existing laws change. There are dozens privacy laws proposed at the moment in the US, and a website, regardless of its size or location, may be subject to comply with any one of them.
With Termageddon, you have a privacy team monitor privacy laws and push updates to your policies when new laws go into effect or existing laws change. There are dozens privacy laws proposed at the moment in the US, and a website, regardless of its size or location, may be subject to comply with any one of them.
4Why is a dynamic Privacy Policy not just included with my current website?
1. We are not privacy law attorneys. So RETomato is not comfortable providing you with a boiler plate Privacy Policy that will likely still leave you vulnerable to legal action.
2. Privvacy Laws are being added and proposed regularly, and any policy will become outdated the moment the next relevant privacy law goes into effect.
With Termageddon, you have a privacy team monitor privacy laws and push updates to your policies when new laws go into effect or existing laws change.
2. Privvacy Laws are being added and proposed regularly, and any policy will become outdated the moment the next relevant privacy law goes into effect.
With Termageddon, you have a privacy team monitor privacy laws and push updates to your policies when new laws go into effect or existing laws change.
5Do new Real Estate Tomto websites come with a dynamic Privacy Policy included?
No. You will need to request the installation of the Termageddon service to your website. It is just $10/month.
6Can I have a lawyer write up a Privacy Policy that will protect me?
Yes, however unless your attorneys are able to constantly update your policy, then your policy will become outdated the moment the next relevant privacy law goes into effect.
1Why is it a monthly (or annual) cost instead of just a one-time fee?
Since the Termageddon solution for Privacy Compliance is an always-on application/service, and not a one-time "fix" of your website, it comes with a perpetual subscription.
2Will I have to pay this subscription for as along as I have a website?
In order to maintain compliance for your current site, you will need to pay for a service that automatically provides this compliance.
3What am I risking by my website not having a Compliant Privacy Policy?
Legal action taken against you. Lawyers fees. Court fees. Penalty fees. The penalties for not complying with privacy laws can range from $2,500 per violation (which can mean per website visitor) to €20,000,000. States like New York are proposing privacy bills which will enable their citizens to sue businesses, of any size and location, simply for having a contact form without an up to date Privacy Policy. You not only need a Privacy Policy, but you also need a strategy to keep it up to date when new laws go into effect and new disclosures are required.
4How can I tell if my current Privacy Policy is Compliant or not?
Unless you have invested recently in a perpetual Privacy Compliance solution then your site is most likely not compliant.
5How can I be sure if my website's Privacy Policy is compliant with Termageddon?
Termageddon's entire business model is based on providing a perpetually compliant privacy policy using the guidelines they outline here:
They also monitor all newly proposed privacy laws, newly enacted privacy laws, and any legal decisions made that will affect these laws.
They also monitor all newly proposed privacy laws, newly enacted privacy laws, and any legal decisions made that will affect these laws.
6Will I be immune from legal action against me and my business regarding Privacy Policy compliance?
Litigation can be taken against anyone at any time, so we can't make any promises. But we can provide you with compliance dates, reports, and status, which can help you and your team decide on a course of action. By pro-actively including a dynamic privacy policy on your website you will likely not see yoursef as a target for litigation.

Pricing For One License
Includes all policies to protect one website
- Privacy Policy Generator
CCPA, GDPR, CalOPPA, Nevada 603a, and more! - Terms and Conditions Generator
- Disclaimer Generator
- EULA Generator
- Automatic Updates
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